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Applied Filters
103 data publications found

Data resulting from slide-hold-slide friction experiments on three types of carbonate faults rocks.

Yohan Park | Takehiro Hirose | Jin-Han Ree


This data set is corresponding to the Park, Y., Hirose, T., and Ree, JH, "Carbonate fault mirrors with extremely low frictional healing rates: A possible source of aseismic creep" Geophysical Research Letters, 2021. The data set shows that carbonate fault mirrors have significantly low...

Supporting information for publication "Protracted thermal evolution of a migmatitic terrane as revealed by multiple geochronometers from the retro-arc of the early Paleozoic Famatinian orogen in NW Argentina"

Roberto Weinberg


<p>The spreadsheets list the results of LA-ICP-MS analyses of U-Pb isotopes and trace elements of zircon, monazite, and titanite for samples from the Sierra de Quilmes, NW Argentina. They also includes whole-rock geochemistry.<br> </p>

Co-seismic Surface Dilatation and Shear Strain Fields Derived from SPOT-5 Displacements

Guo Cheng | William Barnhart


Repeated earthquake cycles produce topography, fault damage zones, and other geologic structures along faults. These geomorphic and structural features indicate the presence of co-seismic permanent (inelastic) surface deformation, yet a long-standing question in earthquake research is how...

Supporting information for the article: Elastic geobarometry for anisotropic inclusions in anisotropic host minerals: quartz-in-zircon.

Joseph Gonzalez | Mattia Mazzucchelli | Ross John Angel | Matteo Alvaro


This dataset contains the supporting information for the article: Gonzalez et al. Elastic geobarometry for anisotropic inclusions in anisotropic host minerals: quartz-in-zircon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.These supplementary materials provide further details about the...

Dataset and scripts for "Quantifying natural sediment erodibility using a mobile oscillatory field flume"

Jaco Smit de | T.J. (Tjeerd) Bouma | Theo Gerkema | M.G. (Maarten) Kleinhans


Dataset and scripts for "Quantifying natural sediment erodibility using a mobile oscillatory flow channel"The dataset contains measurements and analyses of erodibility of defaunated sediments with a range in mud contents, erodibility measurements of sand using a range of wave periods, and...

Appendices to the master thesis: Understanding environmental risks related to geothermal fluids: An integrated approach from natural and social sciences in three countries

Jeanne Steijn


This spreadsheet contains geochemistry data from geothermal fluid samples in Indonesia, Turkey and the Netherlands. This data set is part of the MSc thesis by Jeanne Steijn, titled 'Understanding environmental risks related to geothermal fluids: An integrated approach from natural and social...

A co-seismic fault slip distribution for the Mw 7.5 2018 Palu earthquake

Lin Shen | D.B.T. (Taco) Broerse | Wim Simons | Nicolai Nijholt | Riccardo Riva | Hooper, Andy


This dataset contains a finite fault model of the co-seismic slip distribution of the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake. This finite fault model was used in the study of post-seismic surface displacements following the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake (in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems entitled: A...

Data underlying the publication: Formulation of tunable size PLGA-PEG nanoparticles for drug delivery using microfluidic technology

Lorenzo Albertazzi | Adrianna Glinkowska


Raw data associated to the article Formulation of tunable size PLGA-PEG nanoparticles for drug delivery using microfluidic technology. The work aims at the use of microfluidic to formulate PLGA particles in a more controlled and automated manner. The data includes the characterisation of...

Dataset of Element Compositions and Mean Zircon Hafnium Isotopes of Igneous Rocks underlying the research: A test of the hypothesis that syn-collisional felsic magmatism contributes to continental crustal growth

Xin Lin | Domenico Cicchella | Jun Hong | Ganggang Meng


The dataset contains the ages, thirty-five element compositions, and mean zircon εHf(t) compositions of igneous rocks. The data is extracted from the database GEOROC and Tibetan Magmatism Database. The lithology in the dataset includes andesitic, anorthositic, basaltic, dacitic, dioritic,...

Geothermal Project on TU Delft Campus - DAPGEO-02 Initial Borehole Dataset

Philip Vardon | Hemmo A Abels | Auke Barnhoorn | Stijn Beernink | Anne-Catherine Dieudonne | Guy Drijkoningen | Susanne Laumann | Liliana Vargas Meleza


This initial data release contains information collected from the multi-purpose research borehole DAPGEO-02, which is part of the seismic monitoring network of the geothermal research project on TU Delft Campus.  The borehole DAPGEO-02 makes up the central location of a seismic monitoring. It...